
Vineyard Steward is a term coined by AHIVOY in 2019 and adopted by the industry to represent individuals who work within the vineyard fields, embodying a commitment to land stewardship, sustainable practices, and community engagement.

Applications for Cohort 2025 are CLOSED!

¡Las solicitudes para la Cohorte 2025 están CERRADAS!

Opportunity through Education

 AHIVOY is a nonprofit organization creating opportunities and empowering Latinx and Hispanic vineyard workers of the Willamette Valley to overcome socioeconomic challenges.

We provide education and professional development, paving the way for our hardest-working community members to support their families and establish careers in the wine industry.

Oportunidad a Través de la Educación

AHIVOY es una organización sin fines de lucro formado para crear oportunidades y empoderar a los trabajadores Latinx e Hispános en los viñedos del Valle Willamette para vencer retos socio-económicos.

AHIVOY proveé educación y desarrollo profesional, creando el camino para nuestros guardianes de las viñas, los cuales desempeñan un trabajo muy duro como miembros de nuestra comunidad  y de esta manera apoyar a sus familias y establecer una carrera profesional en la industria del vino.

“Thanks to AHIVOY, I realized there’s a lot more out there… more opportunities, more growth,”
— Alejandro A, Class 2020
“Overall I really like what Ryan was teaching, the academic setting, just diving deeper into what we are doing out in the vineyard, that was probably my favorite part of the program.”
— Ivan J, Class 2021
“My future plan right now is to become a vineyard manager, that is what we are working for and learning and this class is helping me a lot because we are learning about management, the soil, and self-development. I invite you to come learn, you will truly learn a lot about the vineyard, the soil, the wine trade, and other areas.”
— Alex C, Class 2023
“I don’t think there are many places in the world that are putting this much care and attention into the education and development of the people working hard in the vineyards every day, I am grateful that it exists and we get to participate in it.”
— Leigh B, Results Partners 2023


Oregon Strong

La fuerza de Oregon

In the years to come, Business Oregon is actively securing the success of AHIVOY’s Wine Industry Professional Training Program.

En los próximos años, Business Oregon garantizará activamente el éxito del Programa de Capacitacion Profesional de la Industria del Vino de AHIVOY.

The skilled manual labor that Hispanics provide in the vineyard is essential for making high-quality wine. Give them opportunities to grow and also to learn more about the beautiful product they are helping create.

La mano de obra calificada que los hispanos proporcionan en el viñedo es esencial para hacer vino de alta calidad. Bríndeles oportunidades para crecer y también para aprender más sobre el hermoso producto que están ayudando a crear.

— Jesus Guillén, AHIVOY Founder

We Thank Our Sponsors!
¡Agradecemos a Nuestros Patrocinadores!

Support AHIVOY Scholarships

We are an all-volunteer organization. Your tax-deductible donation will be applied directly toward the cost of educating an AHIVOY student. If donating by check please make payable to AHIVOY and mail to PO Box 155 Dundee, OR 97115

Apoya las Becas de AHIVOY

Somos una organización solamente de voluntarios. Vuestro donación desgravable será aplicado directamente al costo de la educación de un estudiante de AHIVOY.